
Sneak Peak: River Island SS11 Accessories

With this lovely season of Christmas, brings about this post of mine. As you know tomorrow( today) is Christmas eve, this for me is the busiest day and sleepless night, as I will be prepping/cooking my turkeys (which I named whilst getting dressed one morning)'Bessie and Ivory', seasoning them and dousing them with butter and love, having prepped my lamb the previous night, I am underway with my list of things to do. This unfortunately means I shan't have the time to post whilst basting and chopping. So from me to you wishing you a truly fabulous Christmas; filled with lots of love and joy and FOOD! To all my fashionista/modelista's out there I give this piece of advice; eat the elastic out of your SS09 Isabel Marant  track pants, trust me you'll feel so good knowing that at least on this one day of the celebration of Jesus birth you can eat way and beyond your usual 500 calorie intake then go back to it on January 4th (when you really go back to work!).

But for now I leave you with this, I unfortunately didn't manage to go to fashion press week to see all the high street stores ranges for SS11, however my lovely contacts made sure I didn't feel left out and sent me a few snaps; more SS11 to come in the new year. Here's what River Island has to offer for their SS11 Accessories; If I can't afford to go on holiday next year you know why, money well spent!

Images courtesy of River Island.

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