
In the words of William 'To do or not to do? That is the question'*

Procrastination is so evil isn't it? Since August this has been my first 'off the wagon' moment. I've been ever so good (almost too good), keeping up with time and doing all my uni work etc, until Monday morning that is and I woke up at like midday and looked outside and just rolled over. I can partly blame the weather (we all do), but that's not a credible excuse, it's even got me thinking about doing the remainder of my Christmas shopping advent calendar in one massive post! I could get away with saying that technically 'I'm on holiday as term ended two weeks ago' but I wanted to work through the holidays so as to enjoy January basking in the presence of my new year sale buys.  I don't think it helps either that my stash of gummi bears have been well and truly stocked and that BBC1 have been putting on great television amid their various dramas and comedies from 'Miranda' (isn't she brilliant) to something new which I peeped at last night with Ashley Jensen (Scottish gal from Ugly Betty) 'Accidental Farmer' along with the usual 'East is East (Eastenders)'  as well as E4's 'Misfits' (super fab!) not forgetting to mention the collection of movies that I've recorded over the last few weeks. Whats a girl to do? 
*Mildly re-phrased by moi.

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