
Task 6-School and University- what’s the difference?

The difference between school and university might be obvious;

The learning environment is different.

Pupils are identifiable by uniforms in school and in university students and tutors are free to dress however way they wish.

A high level of respect is expected in school-for example the way you call address a teacher or member of staff is directed by calling them by their full name Mr/Mrs/Miss Fulham etc. Where as in university tutors allow students and other members of staff to call them by their first name.

These might be classed as obvious differences but the not so obvious differences are the main fundamentals of the differences between university and school. As children, the first place we may possibly learn about the world and the things in it are in a school environment/establishment. At school we are taught certain basic things (curriculum), like how to read, write and calculate- these are the basic skills needed to progress to learn subjects like algebra; these core skills are used all the time.

Further up the school ladder we are taught science (biology, chemistry), music, drama, English language and literature etc School is there to show, guide and tell us the different things there are in the world to learn about but university does all this and but provides resources for us to interpret were learning and express our point of view on it.

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