
Day 18: MAC Lovin'

MAC Tartan Collection 2010

 Being in love with fashion and catwalk shows I've always known that amongst all the make-up brands; no matter how much L'oreal have tried to tell me that I'm 'worth it',(this I already know and more lol)
 M-A-C- is the one.  

Just like your favourite pair of jeans and your softest nappa leather handbag; you want your make-up to do all the hard work for you, and MAC does; if not more than that. Seriously and heavily catwalk affiliated (to me) it's the best thing since sliced bread. It's coverage is so good, light and comes in great ranges of shades and colours; it's one of the only brands to do more than 3 shades (which amongst most industry brands that's titled 'honey, caramel, chocolate') for black women, not only that but the customer service truly makes you feel special. 

I had the lovely experience of walking into the heaters at Selfridges's in London and to be seated and have my face done up by one of the many make-up staff, there's something almost 'elitist' about going into a store and choosing what you want and what's best for you; unlike buying what's only on offer and in stock a la Superdrug and Boot's; whilst it's good for your money it doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you.  MAC is good for me, I don't dispute the L'oreal and Rimmel's of this world; I'm just raving about finding something that works for me and I believe it's imperative that everyone does the same; find what works best for you and you'll be happy but looking good to. To MAC I salute you honeys, virtual kisses to you; and did I forget to mention that when i walked out of the department doors I got several double looks and smiles so you know..I'm certainly not complaining. Do the right thing and buy someone some MAC! 

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