
On|Off London Fashion Week AW10

Artwork by Richard Gray

FOH T-shirts

Zihad Ghanem

Recently I had been given the wonderful opportunity to work/ help out at the On|Off London Fashion Week 19th -22nd in London at Victoria House. The production company who helps produce for our university end of year show also runs a fashion show exhibition called On|Off, which basically is the off schedule of London Fashion Week at Somerset House.

Working front of house, I really had a great time being able to see all the different characters, buyers, stylists, editors and famous faces walking in and out to the different shows and exhibitions. I got to meet and work with some really nice people and made some good contacts. It truly was a great experience which I am happy to be doing again this September. However as much as I enjoyed myself and learnt alot, I also wished soo much that I could have been a buyer watching the shows or a trend forecaster- photographing all the fabulously stylish people walking up and down!!!

Photographs Geoff Pugh from www.onoff.tv

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